Nokia launched its latest touch-screen mobile device N97. The fully-loaded multi-media handset, which is likely to be priced at Rs. 35,000, comes with five megapixel camera phone and supports up to 48 GB of storage, including 32 GB of internal memory.
Nokia launched its latest touch-screen mobile device N97. The fully-loaded multi-media handset, which is likely to be priced at Rs. 35,000, comes with five megapixel camera phone and supports up to 48 GB of storage, including 32 GB of internal memory.
Talking about the new initiative, Nokia India Director-Marketing Vineet Taneja said, "From the desktop to the laptop and now to your pocket, N97 is the most powerful, multi-sensory mobile device in existence. It is an important step towards our vision of delivering a highly personalised Internet experience."
Targetted at users of converged devices, N97 for the first time pairs a 3.5 inch touchscreen with a QWERTY keyboard in a Nokia handset. The slide-out QWERTY keyboard is a full 3-row. The smartphone transforms from a touch slate to a landscape QWERTY device.
According to Mr. Taneja: "Nokia N97 is the first device that will be pre-loaded with Nokia's Ovi Store, a one-stop-shop for a full catalogue of applications, games, videos, podcasts, productivity tools, web and location-based services.
"In India, Ovi Store on N97 will offer a choice of 50 free to download items developed specially for Indian consumers by Indian developers. Users will also have access to global items. Ovi Store has paid and free content from a range of global and local content providers and developers, including Face book, Paramount Pictures and Twitter applications," he added.
The phone offers a powerful 32GB memory with microSD for adding 16GB more (making it a staggering 48GB), 5 megapixel camera (with Carl Zeiss optics and dual LED flash), support for Nokia's N-Gage gaming system and handwriting recognition.
Other features include, a 3.5mm headset jack, microUSB port used for syncing and charging, Haptic feedback and 1500 mAh battery. The smartphone runs on S60, the latest version of Nokia's Symbian operating system.